This benefit offering is an evening of ceremony, song, and sacred circles in support of youth mentorship opportunities. The foundational pillars of this experience are connection, confrontation, and celebration. Upon arrival you will be greeted with music by Fabian and Daniela and be led into an opening ceremony of prayerful connection within the full container. After this opening Sacred Sons and Sacred Sisters will facilitate separate circles to deepen into more connection and confrontation through authentic relating, embodiment practices, and reflection. A shared circle of intention for masculine and feminine alignment will follow to cultivate a Sacred Union for the full container.

Afterwards, we will be nourished with a vegan and organic buffet provided from the loving hands of Trilogy Sanctuary. With full hearts and bellies the celebration ensues as Zondo, Lizzy Jeff, and Poranguî imbue the space with the celebration of this Sacred Union.

This is an evening of sacred remembrance that when we come together good things are felt and happen. 100% of the proceeds go towards SONZ Youth Mentorship: a youth mentoring and rites of passage experience for young men ages 11-19 to support and celebrate the transition from Boyhood to Manhood.

Masculine/Feminine Alignment
Sacred Men’s and Women’s Circles
Musical Journey and Exploration
Vegan Buffet
A Benefit Offering in Support of Youth Mentoring

Opening Ceremony with Fabian and Daniela: 3-4 pm
Men’s and Women’s Circles: 4-6 pm
Sacred Union Circle: 6-7 pm
Dinner and Music by Zondo: 7-8 pm
Lizzy Jeff and Poranguî: 9-Close

Early Bird - $99 - SAVE 33% Off!
Standard - $149

Sacred Sons Foundation and SONZ:

Sacred Sons Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that is here to ground an embodied future for the benefit of all life. Sacred Sons Foundation is our acknowledgment that the responsibility of the future is in our hands. The lives of our children will be fundamentally different based on our actions, and non-actions. The Foundation is our way of giving future generations an opportunity to live in true harmony with one another, spirit, and the land.

SONZ: Our youth mentorship program is shaping young men as stewards of the future through opportunities for young men to step deeper into relationship with peers and mentors in safe, supportive containers in persona and online.